Top 10 Unlucky Cricketers Who Died On The Field While Playing Cricket

On 27 November 2014 a young and great cricketer of Australia Phillip Hughes died because of a freakish accident on Cricket field. While all over the world Cricket and Sports fraternity are mourning for young Phillip, we tried to find out and list 10 Cricketers who died on the field due to accident while playing their beloved game.
Phillip Hughes incident has started a debate about the safety of a player against rock solid ball used in Cricket. While this debate will continue for a long time we mourn for Phillip Hughes as well as these Cricketers who died on the field while playing.

10 Cricketers Who Died on The Field While Playing

1. Phillip Hughes  (Australia, 25) – 2014
Unluckiest of all Cricketers who died on the field. Phill Hughes was struck on his neck while trying to pull bouncer of Sean Abott in a domestic match. He missed the ball and it struck him on side of his neck which resulted in causing vertebral artery dissection that led to a brain haemorrhage. According to Doctor it was one of the rarest kind of accidents and only have 100 recorded incidents in the world and only 1st by a cricket ball.

2. Raman Lamba (India, 38) – 1998
Raman Lamba’s accident on cricket field was also one of its own kind which resulted in his death. He was playing in Bangladesh’s domestic cricket and fielding on short leg without a helmet (he was asked to wear helmet but denied). Batsman played a shot which hit Lamba’s head in the temple. He stood on ground for next few overs but later collapsed. He remained in Coma for two days and later died.

3. George Summers (England, 25) – 1870
George Summers was struck on head while playing a domestic match for Nottinghamshire against the MCC at Lord’s. He took basic treatment on field and later went to home without going to hospital. He died after four days because of that injury. This was one of those incidents which was avoidable but resulted in death and Summers became one of the first cricketers who died on the field.

4. Darryn Randall (South Africa, 32) – 2013
In a domestic match in South Africa, Randall was hit on side of his head and immediately collapsed on the pitch. He was rushed to the hospital did not survive and died due to that blow.

5.  Zulfiqar Bhatti (Pakistan, 22) – 2013
Bhatti a young Pakistani cricketer was hit on chest while batting in a domestic game. He collapsed and taken to hospital where doctor pronounced him dead. The tragedy was that his brother was captain of his side and was in dressing room and watched all these things helplessly.

6. Alcwyn Jenkins (England, 72) – 2009
Jenkins was umpiring in a league match in England. He was hit on head by a cricket ball, which was thrown by a fielder and accidentally hit the umpire. He died because of this blow and was among the first cricketers who died on the field  while officiating a match.

7. Ian Folley (England, 30) – 1993
Ian Folley was an English player who was hit above his eye while batting in a domestic match for Derbyshire against Workington. When he was taken to hospital he suffered a heart attack because of this fatal accident and died.

8. Wilf Slack (England, 34) – 1989
Wilf Slack was one of the first cricketers who died on the field in more than 30 years. Slack collapsed and died during a domestic match in Banjul, Gambia. He had suffered four blackouts in previous matches, but despite carrying out tests, doctors were unable to diagnose the cause of his death.

9. Abdul Aziz (Pakistan, 18) – 1959
Aziz was a Pakistani cricketer who died after being hit on chest while batting. He was pronounced dead after his arrival to the hospital.
10. Richard Beaumont (England, 33) – 2012
Beaumont suffered a suspected heart attack while he was on the field. Doctor said that he died as soon as he collapsed on the ground.

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